If you want something special and eye-catching for your space, vertical aquariums could be the perfect choice.

These aquariums are very different from regular aquariums in how they look and how they need to be cared for. By the end, you'll have all the information you need to decide which vertical aquarium is perfect for your needs.

Bullet Points

Design Differences

Vertical aquariums are a departure from the conventional horizontal tanks commonly seen in the world of fish-keeping. Their upright position makes beautiful visual displays that can turn your living space into an enchanting underwater paradise.

The most striking feature of vertical aquariums is their ability to conserve space while still offering a generous aquatic environment.

Installation and Setup

Setting up a vertical aquarium involves a meticulous process due to its unique positioning on a wall. Before anything else, make sure the wall can handle the weight of the tank when it's full of water. This weight is much more than regular wall decorations.

You'll also need to plan for suitable access to electricity and water sources to facilitate filtration and lighting systems. Moreover, the placement of vertical aquariums often requires specialized mounting hardware and may necessitate professional installation.

Aquatic Life and Care

In common fish tanks, the focus is more on horizontal swimming space. Vertical tanks are often used for a wide range of fish species, from small tropical fish to larger freshwater or marine species. Here are some specific types of fish that are commonly kept in vertical fish tanks.

Betta Fish

Betta Fish

Betta fish are famous for their bright colors and long, swishy fins. They are a popular choice for vertical tanks due to their small size and ability to thrive in smaller spaces.



Angelfish scientifically known as Pterophyllum scalare, are pretty fish that can live in tall tanks. They are renowned for their striking appearance, graceful swimming patterns, and unique body shape and fin designs.

Also, Angelfish come in a wide variety of colors and patterns, including koi, marble, black, silver, and panda.

Neon Tetras

Neon Tetras

Neon tetras are small, shoaling fish with bright blue and red colors. They are peaceful and often kept in groups, making them suitable for vertical tanks.

Other Popular Fish Species

Dwarf Gourami

Dwarf gouramis are small, labyrinth fish known for their vibrant colors and unique personalities. They can thrive in vertical tanks with proper care.

Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras catfish are bottom-dwelling fish that are excellent for keeping the tank clean. They come in various species and are suitable for vertical tanks.

African Dwarf Frogs

Even though they're not fish, people often keep African dwarf frogs in tall tanks. They are small, aquatic frogs that can coexist with fish and provide a unique element to the tank.


Certain types of shrimp, like Cherry Shrimp or Amano Shrimp, can live in tall tanks. They're good at eating algae and make the tank more interesting.

Bristlenose Plecos

Bristlenose plecos are small, algae-eating catfish that are compatible with various fish species. They help maintain tank cleanliness.

Tropical Tetras

Besides neon tetras, you can also keep different types of tetra fish, such as cardinal tetras, black neon tetras, and glowlight tetras, in tall tanks. They will bring vibrant colors and liveliness to your aquarium.

Small Cichlids

Some small cichlid fish, like German Blue Rams or Apistogramma, can live in tall tanks if the tank is big enough and the water is right for them.

Care requirements are more traditional, involving regular water changes, filtration maintenance, and proper feeding.

Attention! Each species may have unique care requirements, so it is important to provide them with the right environment for their health and well-being.

Aquascape and Living Space

Tall fish tanks let you make cool underwater scenes with rocks, wood, and different tall water plants. The vertical orientation enables the creation of breathtaking cascading waterfalls, lush underwater gardens, and captivating vertical swimming space for your fish.

This will create an appealing underwater landscape while providing hiding spots for fish.

Use a variety of plant species that are suitable for vertical growth, such as Vallisneria (a genus of freshwater aquatic plant, commonly called eelgrass), Anubias, or Java Fern.

These plants will thrive and fill the vertical space beautifully. Having these features included can save you time and money during the setup process.


Vertical aquariums typically come at a higher price point compared to common fish tanks. The cost includes the aquarium itself, specialized mounting hardware, filtration systems, and lighting. Additionally, professional installation, if required, can add to the overall cost.



One of the major advantages of indoor vertical fish tanks is their ability to maximize the use of vertical space. They occupy minimal floor space, making them ideal for smaller rooms or areas where space is limited.


These tanks come in a variety of sizes and designs, allowing you to choose one that suits your interior decor and personal preferences. This level of customization ensures that you can create a visually pleasing and harmonious environment.

Eye-Level Viewing

Unlike traditional aquariums placed on the floor or lower surfaces, indoor vertical fish tanks are typically at eye level. This makes it easier to observe and appreciate the aquatic life within, fostering a stronger connection with your fish and plants.

Ease of Maintenance

Vertical tanks often have efficient filtration systems and access points that are more accessible, making routine maintenance tasks such as cleaning and water changes more manageable.


Limited Space

While vertical tanks save floor space, they may provide less swimming space for fish compared to horizontally oriented tanks of similar volume. Some fish species may not thrive in vertical tanks due to space constraints.

Temperature Variations

Tall tanks can experience temperature variations from top to bottom, making it challenging to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the tank. This can be a concern for temperature-sensitive fish.

Limited Aquascaping Options

The vertical design may limit the types of plants and decorations you can use. It can be more challenging to create intricate aquascapes or provide hiding spots for fish.


Some indoor vertical fish tanks, especially those with unique designs and advanced features, can be more expensive than traditional aquariums of similar volume.

Access and Maintenance Challenges

Although maintenance can be easier in some aspects, reaching the bottom of a tall tank for thorough cleaning or plant maintenance may require special tools or equipment, which can be inconvenient.

Choosing between a vertical aquarium and a traditional aquarium should take into account your space limitations, the types of fish you intend to keep, and your design preferences.

Setup Recommendations

For those who decide to try vertical aquariums, we have prepared a specific and detailed design concept that allows you to make the most of your space while maintaining the beauty of your aquarium:


RGB lighting inside the vertical aquarium

Install LED lighting that is both energy-efficient and capable of providing adequate light for plant growth.

You can mount the lighting fixtures on top of the tank or on the wall above it. Use a timer for your lighting system to maintain a consistent day-night cycle for your aquatic ecosystem.


Utilize a compact and efficient filtration system that can be discreetly placed underneath or beside the aquarium.

Consider a canister filter or a hang-on-back filter to save space. Use a small, adjustable water pump to create gentle water circulation and prevent dead spots.

Heating and Temperature Control

Heating and temperature control are critical aspects of maintaining a healthy and thriving aquarium ecosystem. Here, we will delve into more specific and detailed information on how to achieve optimal temperature conditions for your aquatic pets and plants.

More Specific Information About the Heater

The next part contains information that is important for you in choosing the right heater.

Selecting the Right Heater

Choose a compact and reliable aquarium heater suitable for your tank size. Generally, the rule of thumb is 5 watts per gallon of water, but this may vary depending on factors like room temperature and insulation.

Gallons (Liters) Heater Wattage
5 (18.9) 25 watts
10 (37.9) 50 watts
20 (75.7) 100 watts
30 (113.6) 150 watts
55 (208.2) 275 watts
60 (227.1) 180 watts
75 (283.9) 225 watts
90 (340.7) 270 watts

Heater Placement

Position the heater in a way that it is concealed within the tank or hidden behind decorations. This ensures the safety of your fish and prevents any accidental damage to the heater.

Digital Thermostat

Invest in a heater with a digital thermostat. These advanced units provide precise temperature control and accuracy, preventing fluctuations that can stress your aquatic inhabitants. Some even come with LED displays for easy monitoring.

Temperature Settings

Research the specific temperature requirements of your fish and plants, as they can vary widely. Generally, tropical fish prefer temperatures between 75°F and 80°F (24°C to 27°C), but check the exact needs for your species.


Regularly check and clean the heater to ensure it functions correctly. Any buildup of algae or debris can affect its efficiency.


Use a separate thermometer in addition to the heater's built-in thermostat to cross-verify water temperature. This redundancy helps catch any discrepancies and maintain a stable environment.

Emergency Measures

Consider using a backup heater or a temperature controller to prevent sudden drops or spikes in temperature, which can be life-threatening for your aquatic life.


In conclusion, the choice between vertical aquariums and conventional horizontal fish tanks ultimately depends on your personal preferences, space limitations, and the specific needs of the aquatic life you wish to keep.

Vertical aquariums offer a unique and captivating way to showcase aquatic life, with their innovative design elements, space-saving advantages, and eye-level viewing experience.

However, they do come with their own set of challenges, including limited swimming space for certain fish species and potential temperature variations.

On the other hand, conventional fish tanks provide a more traditional approach to fishkeeping, with a wide range of fish species suitable for horizontal swimming space.

They are also generally more budget-friendly and easier to set up. However, they may occupy more floor space and lack the striking visual impact of vertical aquariums.

See you in the next article!