Today, we're exploring the enchanting realm of true purple Betta fish. These captivating creatures have taken the fishkeeping community by storm with their stunning violet hue.

Without further ado, let's dive into the world of true purple Betta fish and discover what makes them so extraordinary.

Purple Betta fish are a great option for aquarium beginners. Here are key facts about these captivating fish:

  • Name: Siamese Fighting Fish
  • Species: Betta Splendens, Dragon Betta, Rosetail Betta
  • Price: 20$ - 50$
  • Care: Beginner-friendly
  • Lifespan: Approximately 3 years
  • Tank Size: Minimum of 5 gallons (3 liters) for a single fish
  • Food: Pellets
  • Compatibility: Best kept alone or in pairs
  • Temperament: Known for territorial behavior
Bullet Points

Purple Betta Fish Variations

The stunning purple coloration seen in Betta fish is a result of years of selective breeding. It's important to note that there is no specific Betta species known as the "purple Betta".

We emphasize that this captivating purple hue can be found in various Betta species, including Betta Splendens, the Purple Dragon Betta, and the Purple Rosetail Betta. These Betta varieties are known for their striking purple colors, showcasing the remarkable diversity within the Betta fish world.

However, genuine purple Betta fish, characterized by a consistent and intense purple coloration, remain quite rare in the aquarium trade. Their scarcity only adds to their allure, making them a true gem in the world of fishkeeping.

Availability and Cost


Now, you might be wondering where you can find these magnificent purple Betta fish and what the associated costs are. Purple Betta fish are not as readily available as their more common counterparts, so locating them may require some effort.

You can explore reputable online fish stores, local aquarium shops, or connect with specialized breeders.


The cost of purple Betta Fish can vary depending on their rarity and coloration. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $50 for a single purple Betta Fish.

However, for exceptional specimens with unique coloration and lineage, prices can go higher.

The Fascinating History

Historical Significance of Betta Fish in Asia

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, have a rich historical background in Asia. In Thailand, they are considered a symbol of prosperity and good luck. Their captivating appearance and unique behavior have made them a source of fascination for centuries.

Betta fish were initially bred for their fighting abilities, but as their popularity grew, so did the desire to enhance their appearance. The first true purple Betta fish were the result of this quest for beauty.

Highlight the Development of Purple Coloration in Betta Fish

The development of purple coloration in Betta fish is a tale of dedication and patience. Selective breeding, where fish with the most desirable purple traits are chosen as parents, has played a pivotal role. Over generations, breeders have honed the genetics to create these stunning purple gems.

Today, the vibrant purple coloration in purple Betta fish is a testament to the relentless pursuit of perfection in the world of fish breeding.

Caring for Purple Betta Fish

Keeping these captivating creatures in optimal conditions is essential to ensure their well-being and vibrant appearance. Here's a comprehensive guide to caring for purple Betta fish.

Ideal Tank Size and Water Parameters

A comfortable and spacious habitat is essential for the happiness of purple Betta fish. We recommend a 5-gallon (3 litres) tank or larger to provide ample space for swimming and exploration.

The water temperature should be maintained between 78°F to 82°F (25.5°C to 28°C), and the pH level should ideally be around 7.0. Investing in a good quality water filter and heater is crucial to maintaining stable water conditions.

In our Betta fish tank guide, you can find more details about tank setup.

Suitable Diet and Feeding Habits

Proper nutrition is key to keeping purple Betta fish healthy and vibrant. Their diet should consist of high-quality betta pellets or flakes.

Feeding them twice a day with small portions is a good practice. Remember that overfeeding can lead to health issues, so be mindful of the quantities you provide.

Water Quality and Maintenance Tips

To maintain the pristine condition of their tank, regular water changes are a must. We recommend changing about 25% of the water every week.

Additionally, ensure that the tank is properly cycled before introducing your fish. A well-maintained tank contributes to their overall health and happiness.

Health Considerations for Purple Betta Fish

Just like any other pet, purple Betta fish may face health issues from time to time. It's essential to be aware of common diseases and their symptoms. Our detailed Betta fish care guide article offers valuable insights into identifying and treating common Betta fish ailments.

Breeding True Purple Betta Fish

Crowntail Betta fish

Breeding purple Betta fish can be an exciting endeavor for experienced aquarists. However, it comes with its own set of challenges and requirements. If you're considering breeding these stunning fish, here's what you need to know.

Introduction to Breeding Betta Fish

Breeding Betta fish is a meticulous process that requires careful planning. To get started, you'll need a separate breeding tank and conditioning the one male and one female betta fish for breeding.

Keep in mind that the mating process can be aggressive, so be prepared to separate the fish if necessary.

Insights into Breeding Techniques for Maintaining the Purple Coloration

Maintaining the vibrant purple coloration in the offspring is the primary goal when breeding purple Betta fish. This requires selecting breeding pairs with strong purple genes. Over time, with the right pairing and breeding techniques, you can produce more purple Betta fish.

Cautions and Challenges in Breeding Purple Betta Fish

While breeding purple Betta fish can be rewarding, it's not without its challenges. Aggressive behavior between breeding pairs, proper fry care, and maintaining water quality in the breeding tank are some of the challenges you might encounter.

Be sure to prepare thoroughly before embarking on a breeding journey.

Purple Betta Fish and Tankmates

Suitable Tankmates for Purple Betta Fish

Purple Betta Fish, while admired for their stunning appearance, can exhibit territorial behavior and may not readily accept the presence of other Betta fish. However, they can live harmoniously with peaceful tankmates such as snails, shrimp, and small, non-aggressive fish.

Always maintain vigilance to ensure a peaceful cohabitation within the aquarium.

Addressing Potential Conflicts and Managing Aggression

In a community tank, it's vital to have a contingency plan for handling potential conflicts. Be prepared to separate the fish if conflicts arise, and consider providing hiding spots and visual barriers to minimize stress.

Common Myth about Purple Betta Fish

As with any popular breed, purple Betta fish have their fair share of myths and misconceptions.

Some aquarists may believe that they require less care than other betta fish, which is far from the truth. It's crucial to address these misconceptions and provide accurate information to ensure the well-being of these magnificent fish.


In conclusion, true purple Betta fish are a true marvel of nature and selective breeding. Their mesmerizing purple coloration and captivating personalities make them a prized addition to any aquarium.

As you embark on your journey to care for and, if you dare, breed these magnificent fish, remember that knowledge and preparation are your best allies.

At Flora Fish, we're committed to providing you with the most up-to-date information, care guides, and breeding tips for your beloved pet fish. If you're considering adding purple Betta fish to your aquatic family, rest assured that you have the resources and support you need right here.

See you in the next article!