In this article, we delve into a common ailment that affects bettas, known as "Swollen Eyes".

This condition can be distressing for both the fish and their owners. Let's explore the main causes, symptoms, and effective treatments to ensure the health and well-being of your beloved betta.

Bullet Points

Main Causes of Swollen Eyes in Bettas

Swollen eyes in bettas can be attributed to several factors. Understanding these causes is crucial for effective treatment and prevention:

Water Conditions

At Flora Fish, we have found that poor water conditions, especially fluctuating pH levels, are the most common cause of swollen eyes.


One of the causes of cloudy eyes in bettas is bacterial or fungal infections. These microorganisms can lead to inflammation and cloudiness of the eyes.

Physical Trauma

Physical injuries can also result in cloudy eyes. This may occur if the betta bumps into sharp objects or encounters aggression from tank mates.

Signs & Symptoms of Betta Fish Swollen Eyes

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of swollen eyes is vital for timely intervention. Keep an eyes out for the following indicators:

  • Swollen Eyes as the Main Symptom: The most obvious sign is, of course, the cloudy appearance of the betta's eyes.
  • Impaired Vision: Swollen eyes can severely affect a betta's vision, making it difficult for them to navigate their environment.
  • Difficulty Swimming: Bettas with swollen eyes may experience problems swimming, leading to lethargy and reduced activity.
  • Mucus Build-Up: The eyes may produce excess mucus as a response to the infection or injury.
  • Loss of Appetite: Cloudy eyes can lead to appetite loss in bettas, further impacting their overall health.

Treatment for Cloudy Eyes in Bettas

Effective treatment is essential to restore your betta's eyes health. At Flora Fish, we recommend the following approaches:

Treating with Aquarium Salt and Stress Coat

A simple yet effective home remedy is to add aquarium salt (1 tablespoon per 4 gallons) and Stress Coat to the tank. These can help alleviate the condition.

Stress Coat - a popular aquarium water conditioner made by API that performs a variety of functions for freshwater and saltwater aquariums.

  • Neutralizing harmful chemicals: It instantly removes chlorine and chloramines from tap water, which can be toxic to fish.
  • Protecting fish: It forms a synthetic slime coating on fish, replacing their natural protective barrier that can be damaged by stress, handling, or water changes.
  • Promoting healing: It contains aloe vera, which helps soothe irritated skin and fins and aids in tissue repair.

Important to note:

  • There are other brands and types of water conditioners available, not all of them are called Stress Coat.
  • While API Stress Coat is popular, it's not the only way to protect fish from stress. Maintaining optimal water quality, providing suitable hiding places, and minimizing unnecessary handling are also crucial factors.

Treating Serious Health Problems

In severe cases, professional veterinary care may be required. Consult your local vet experienced in fish health if home remedies don't yield results.

Other Tips for Home Treatment

Maintaining pristine water quality, consistent temperature, and a stress-free environment can complement treatment efforts.

Can Swollen eyes kill bettas?

The potential fatality of cloudy eyes depends on various factors. Prompt action is essential to ensure the best outcome:

Discussion on the Potential Fatality of Swollen Eyes

While cloudy eyes can be distressing, it doesn't always lead to fatality. However, ignoring the issue can worsen the condition and pose greater risks.

Importance of Early Treatment and Monitoring Symptoms

Early intervention is key to preventing the progression of swollen eyes. Monitoring your betta's symptoms and acting swiftly can make a significant difference.

Recovery Time for Cloudy Eyes

As a member of the Flora Fish team who has encountered and resolved this issue many times, I can confidently say that with proper treatment, bettas can often make a remarkable recovery from cloudy eyes within 3 to 7 days.

However, if you don't see any improvement within the first 3 days, we strongly recommend seeking professional help. Timely intervention is crucial to ensure the best outcome for your beloved betta.

Consequences of Not Treating Swollen Eyes

Neglecting the treatment of cloudy eyes can have serious consequences, including:

Possible Spread of Infection

Untreated swollen eyes can lead to the spread of infections within your betta's tank, endangering other fish.

Impact on Overall Fish Health

The condition can weaken the overall health of your betta, making them more susceptible to other diseases.

Potential Blindness

Chronic cloudy eyes can ultimately result in permanent blindness, significantly reducing your betta's quality of life.

Prevention of Swollen Eyes in Bettas

Prevention is always better than cure. To safeguard your betta from cloudy eyes, consider the following proactive measures:

Maintain a Clean Tank

Regular tank maintenance, including water changes and cleaning, is essential for a healthy environment.

Remove Sharp Objects

Eliminate any sharp or abrasive objects from the tank to prevent physical injuries.

Regular Water Changes

Frequent water changes help maintain stable pH levels and optimal water quality.

Good Quality Food

A balanced diet with high-quality food is crucial for your betta's immune system. For recommendations on the best betta fish food, be sure to check out our article on The Best Betta Fish Foods.

Quarantine New Fish

Before introducing new fish to the tank, quarantine them to prevent potential infections.


In closing, we at Flora Fish emphasize the importance of quick action when dealing with cloudy eyes in bettas. Don't forget that your betta's health is in your hands. Let's ensure they live a happy and healthy life.

See you in the next article!